Monday, December 31, 2007

SLL 2.0--Week 3, Thing 5 (more)

Since adding a Flickr photo using Blogger's tool didn't work right, I'm now trying it from Flickr by using Flickr's "Add to blog" tool. "becca" Commented on my blog that she wasn't able to get a photo to display in Blogger using Blogger's tool, either, and suggested I try this.

I didn't try just uploading the photo file from my hard drive (in Blogger), because the whole point of this little exercise seems to be to do it using these this more-"Web 2.0" directly-from-Flickr-toBlogger tool (becca had this take on it, too).

About to click "Post Entry" in Flickr. If this works, you'll know it because this post--plus the photo in all its glory--will be in my blog! (Wonder if the caption--in addition to the title--will also show up?)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Congratulations! It worked--both the posting from flickr, and your obvious good librarianship with your studious students (as illustrated by your photo).