Monday, December 24, 2007

SLL 2.0--Week 1, Thing 1

This is a great program/tutorial, and I'm ashamed I haven't gotten on it and dove in before now. Jacquie Siminitus first invited me to be one of the initial CSLA members to go through it back in early 2007--and I agreed and had every intention of doing so--but work (in a library with zero support staff... now still only one library tech. 3 hrs./day) and the rest of life overwhelmed me and I'm just now getting to it.

I'm amazed when I think of the time and effort it took Helen Blowers and everyone else (including CSLA members) to create this. Very impressive! Where ten years ago many of my technology skills were pretty leading-edge, I've just not been able to keep up--I've only read about but not actually used (or at least created or edited) wikis, blogs, RSS feeds, etc. While I'm still not convinced they're all absolutely necessary for teacher librarians--or classroom teachers--in our day-to-day teaching of students (like videoconferencing, I tend to think of them as solutions looking for problems), I do think they're rapidly becoming a part of the world of many of our students--and adults--and we need to be "literate" enough to understand, navigate with, and use them ourselves. I expect this will be my chance to come up to speed in this regard.

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