Wednesday, July 28, 2010

...And whither human beings?

My amazing friend (since kindergarten), Victoria Pynchon*, pointed me to a post she added to her blog on July 28th, 2008 which got me thinking--and writing a long-ish Comment in response (Comment posted July 28th 2010... exactly two years later; interesting). What is the purpose--or direction--of us humans as time goes on? Where are we headed? Do we have any choice in the matter?

If you're interested, take a look: "What if This Were Our Sole Purpose?" (<--Her relatively short blog posting; after reading--and viewing the beautiful image of the Earth and Moon from space, scroll down for my Comment.) *I can't resist touting Victoria. One of the most intelligent--and wise--people I've ever known personally, she practiced corporate law and was a successful litigator in L.A. for a number of years (earning big bucks in the process of course). Then she got sick of it and wanted to better help people in more meaningful ways. She quit her job, went back to law school for a second time, earned her Master of Law degree (in law it's backwards from the rest of academia: first you get your Juris Doctor, then you get--maybe--your LL.M.), and is now a mediator and teacher of other mediators as well as insightful and much-respected blogger on mediation topics (i.e. writes extensively and shares it all with the world for free). She's also finished her first book which is just about to be published: A Is for Asshole: The ABCs of Conflict Resolution.

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