Since the next Thing (#5) involves using Flickr, and I wanted to replace the stock image that runs along the top of this Blogger template with a photo of someone surfing anyway, I searched Flickr until I found a decent photo of someone surfing, then edited my blog's template to add it. I was pleased to be able to find a photo of someone surfing my home break, Swami's (at least according to its Flickr tag--and it does look like a Swami's wave). I did have to fire up Photoshop Elements and crop it vertically so it would be more of a band across the top rather than this huge photo you'd have to scroll down past just to get to the rest of the blog. Thank you, "Rick C San Diego" (evidently Rich Clark per his Flickr URL ) for posting this photo--and tagging it with "Swamis" so I could find it--on Flickr! (No, that's not me in the photo... no one's taking pictures of me when I surf.)
I guess what I've done satisfies Thing #5 Discovery Exercise a., but I may do Exercise b. if I have time. I think I have some photos of my library on my hard drive here at home somewhere...
Yup. OK, created a Flickr account (yet another account at another Web site! another login to record! Aaaugh!) and posted the photo. It's of a class last Spring working on a research project in the Reference room, using reference books (what a concept!). Virtually all have their heads down and it's a pretty blurry photo, so I'm sure none are individually-identifiable so I don't have to have parent-signed consent forms from any of them. Now to see if I can post it as part of this blog entry.
Rats! Didn't work. And now when I'm trying to edit this post to do it again, the Add Image icon in the Edit Posts toolbar doesn't bring up the Add Image window as it did before. Hmm... maybe my computer's tired? Back to the drawing board. For now, I guess ll just have to insert it as a URL here. That at least works.
Hmm... Tried again, and something very strange is going on. There's a very faint, almost completely "blank" space at the top of this post... looks like a faint "frame" of some kind. There were actually two of them, but I was able to delete one of them and leave only the one. Since I specified the photo be to the right, with the text wrapping on its left, the first line of text in this blog is "wrapping" around this faint frame... right where the photo should appear. and when you (I) click on that frame, it does switch the browser window to the Flickr-hosted photo of the library! I'm stumped for now.
If you go into your flickr account, there is a little icon at the top of each picture that says "blog this", so you could designate your blog for it to go into, and then you write a post right there in flickr. Alternately, you can just upload your picture from your hard drive, rather than linking to the flickr photo. But I guess that defeats the purpose of linking to a flickr photo, if that is what you were trying to do. I'm going to go try that now, but at least meanwhile, you can get the photo into your blog. And, once you figure out a foolproof system for keeping track of all your new usernames and passwords, let me know!
I think the malfunction is in blogger, not in your tired computer. I just tried to bring up the "add image" link after posting a photo from flickr into my blog, and it would not bring up the window, just as you said. I even created a new post just to start fresh, but still no go. You should be able to get rid of the empty frame, in the meantime, if you just go into edit and delete the [photo] spaceholder.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your kind (encouraging, useful, engaging/interesting) comments on my "baby blog" (as in, "it's just a tiny beginner," not "a blog about babies!") I'll try the "create the post--with photo--directly from Flickr" technique when I can.
JackieS, "comet librarian"...
Thanks, too, to both of you for your comments.
Good "cheerleading", folks; I'm feeling "well-cheered."
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